wiFT Installation Guide

last update:
08/04/02 -- August 4th, 2002

comments/suggestions/corrections/additions/etc to:
mjvh AT users.sf.net
[ installtion ]

We will assume that you have succesfully downloaded and installed the giFT daemon. And we will further assume that you have successfully downloaded wiFT.

Installtion of wiFT is easy. Simply copy the wiFT.exe executable to a directory of your choice (if you have the giFT daemon installed locally, the giFT directory might be a good choice). wiFT does not write to your registry or any system directories. All program options are stored in wiFT.ini which will be created in the same directory as the executable when wiFT is run for the first time.

Still here? Okay.. for those who just can't function without steps, here goes.


x.x.x represents the version number of wiFT ; the instructions are the same for every version

if you downloaded wiFT-x.x.x.zip

  1. Unzip the archive to a directory of your choice. If you have the giFT daemon installed locally, the giFT directory is a good choice)
  2. Double-click wiFT.exe.
  3. (optionally) Right-drag (right click, hold, drag) the wiFT.exe file to the desktop. Select "Create Shortcut(s) Here".

if you downloaded wiFT-x.x.x-src.zip

  1. Unzip the archive to a directory of your choice.
  2. Run Delphi 6.
  3. Compile and Build.
  4. F9.
  5. You may want to check out the wiFT Developer Guide.

if you downloaded wiFT-x.x.x.exe

  1. Double-click wiFT-x.x.x.exe
  2. Follow the on screen instructions. This will create a directory for you, unpack the archive, and create a desktop shortcut. Oh, how sweet it is.
  3. Double-click the wiFT icon now present on your desktop.

if you downloaded wiFT-x.x.x-src.exe

  1. Double-click wiFT-x.x.x-src.exe
  2. Follow the on screen instructions. This will create a directory for you, and unpack the archive. Oh, how sweet it is.
  3. Run Delphi 6.
  4. Compile and Build.
  5. F9.
  6. You may want to check out the wiFT Developer Guide.
[ uninstalltion ]

If you installed wiFT using one of the downloadable .exe files there will be a 'wiFT' (or 'wiFT-src') option in the Add/Remove Programs dialog of your Control Panel. Double click it and you're done.

If you installed wiFT using one of the downloadable .zip files there will be no such option. Worry not, however. Uninstalling wiFT by hand is tres easy. Just find wiFT.exe and wiFT.ini and delete them. That's it. No, really -- that's it. wiFT does not write to your registry or any system directories. All program options are stored in wiFT.ini which lives in same directory as wiFT.exe.